Advisor Name Project Title
Afşar Saranlı IMU based feedback control of Industrial Crane (Control Lab)
Dual-Camera based 3D Object Localization in Large Spaces (Control Lab)
Aydın Alatan Segmentation of man-made objects from LIDAR
Hyperspectral Image Analysis
Cognitive Camera
High Dynamic Range Imaging
Multimedia Watermarking and Forensics
Cengiz Beşikçi Novel Quantum Structured Infrared Detectors for Thermal Imaging
(junior and senior level students)
Ece Güran Schmidt Computer Networks
Cloud Computing
Embedded Real-time Networks
Elif Uysal Bıyıkoğlu Implementation of Age-aware application layer sampling on UDP connections
AoI-aware transmission using Statistical and machine learning methods
Implementation of a novel age-aware MAC layer on software-defined radios
Implementation of novel IoT sensor platforms
Emre Özkan Object Tracking and Classification for Advanced Driver Assistance Systems
Fatih Kamışlı Applications of Machine Learning Algorithms to Image/Video Compression/Processing
Software/Hardware Implementation of Image/Video Compression Algorithms
Figen S. Öktem Compressive spectral imaging: mathematical models, algorithms, and optical experiments
Three-dimensional image reconstruction for near-field radar imaging
Deep neural networks for solving inverse problems in imaging
(For any of the above topics, strong interest and background in math, algorithms, or optics is required)
Gönül Turhan Sayan Mine Detection with Ground Penetrating Radar: Simulation and Testing
Electromagnetic Detection of Objects Hidden Inside or Behind  Walls: Simulation and Testing
Metamaterial Design at Radio Frequencies, Terahertz and Infrared  Frequencies.
Distributed Fiber Optical Sensors
Klaus Werner Schmidt Controller Design for an Autonomous Lane Keeping System
Planning Vehicle Maneuvers in Dense Highway Traffic
Design of an Automatic Parking System
Murat Göl Real time monitoring in smart grid applications
Analysis of the problems of modern power systems
Range estimation for electric vehicles
Mustafa Mert Ankaralı Design, Analysis, and Control of Locomotion in Robotic and Biological Systems
Selçuk Yerci Fabrication of a solar cell that looks like a painting (high risk –high gain)
Optical simulation of solar cells (open to students at any grade)
Electrical simulation of solar cells (those enjoyed/enjoying attending EE212 classes are preferred)
Indirect-to-direct band gap transition in germanium nanobeams by strain induction (double major in physics is preferred)
Development of solar cells having organic – inorganic mixed layers (interdisciplinary study with chemists is required)
Serdar Kocaman Numerical Simulations for Performance Improvements of Infrared Photodetectors
Tunable Birefringent Filters and Modulators for Photonic Integrated Circuits
Applications of Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics in Photonic Crystal Structures (double major in Physics is required)
Yeşim Serinağaoğlu Estimation of Complete Body Surface Potential Maps from a Limited Number of Measurements – Effects on Electrocardiographic Imaging